Super Ace, Tips Ascend to Slot Glory with JILI777

Step into a world of high-stakes excitement and dazzling rewards! This thrilling slot game combines classic gameplay with innovative features. When Super Aces and Golden Cards align, they transform into Wilds, multiplying your winnings. Activate the Free Game for a chance to double your Elimination Multiplier bonus. Pair with Golden Cards and unlock endless prizes. Get ready to play Super Ace Jili777 and experience the rush of victory!

JILI777 Super Ace Slot Features

Features and Descriptions

  • Game Name – Super Ace
  • Provider – JILI
  • Type – Video Slot Machine
  • Game Variance – A, K, Q, J, spades, Hearts, diamonds, clubs, 
  • Bet Type – 1 spin
  • Type of Interface – User-Friendly Interface with Las Vegas Theme
  • Game Variance – Video Slot

Super Ace Logo


The Super Ace logo is an emblem that embodies the essence of excellence, prowess, and victory associated with the legendary figure known as JILI777 Super Ace. At its core, the logo features a bold and dynamic design that commands attention and instills a sense of admiration and respect.

Central to the logo is the depiction of an ace of spades, a symbol often associated with luck, skill, and mastery. The ace of spades stands prominently, its sharp lines and sleek contours conveying a sense of strength and authority. This iconic symbol serves as a representation of JILI777 Super Ace’s unparalleled expertise and prowess in the realm of gaming.

Super Ace Slot: Game Rules, Game Paytable, and Buttons

Game Rules

  1. Lucky Poker is a video slot with five reels, four rows, and 1024 ways.
  2. All wins pay with the leftmost reel to the right on adjacent reels.
  3. During the game, all winning symbol(s) will “flip” again. After the “flip” appears, new symbol(s) replace the previous winning symbol(s) and are re-evaluated for more wins. If there are no winning symbols after the re-evaluated, the current game-winning amount will be awarded to the player.
  4. Winnings = Pay x Lines x Bet.
  5. Malfunction voids pay and plays.


Pay Table


WILD substitutes for all symbols except SCATTER

a a1

X 5 = 2.5

X 4 = 1.5

X 3 = 0.5

k k1

X 5 = 2

X 4 = 1.2

X 3 = 0.4

q q1

X 5 = 1.5

X 4 = 0.9

X 3 = 0.3

j j1

X 5 = 1

X 4 = 0.6

X 3 = 0.2

spades spades-1

X 5 = 0.5

X 4 = 0.3

X 3 = 0.1

Hearts Hearts-1

X 5 = 0.5

X 4 = 0.3

X 3 = 0.1

diamonds diamonds-1

X 5 = 0.25

X 4 = 0.15

X 3 = 0.05

clubs clubs-1

X 5 = 0.25

X 4 = 0.15

X 3 = 0.0

Golden Card

  1. “Golden Card” will only appear on reels 2, 3, and 4.
  2. “Golden Symbol” will flip and transform to “Joker Symbol” after elimination.
  3. “Golden Symbol” substitutes for the “Normal” pay and eliminate symbol.


Joker Card


  1. The “Joker Symbol” only transforms from the “Golden Symbol” of elimination.
  2. The “Joker Card” comes in two modes: “Big Joker Card” and “Little Joker Card”.
  3. Landing the “Big Joker Symbol,” will replace 1 to 4 symbols (Except the Scatter and Joker Symbol) and randomly pick on reels 2 to 5 by “Big Joker Symbol.”
  4. Landing the “Little Joker Symbol,” The “Golden Symbol” transforms into the “Joker Symbol” only.
  5. “Joker Symbol” substitutes for all symbols except Scatter.

Combo Multiplier


  1. “The Combo Multiplier” has four levels, x1, x2, x3, and x5, in a regular game.
  2. All wins and pays are multiplied by the “Combo Multiplier.”
  3. The “Combo Multiplier” starts from x1 for the first elimination of wins and pays
  4. The “Combo Multiplier” is increased to x2 after eliminating any wins and pays from the multiplier level as x1.
  5. The “Combo Multiplier” is increased to x3 after eliminating any wins and pays from the multiplier level as x2.
  6. The “Combo Multiplier” is increased to x5 after eliminating any wins and pays from the multiplier level as x3.
  7. The “Combo Multiplier” resets to x1 by no wins and pays off for starts the next spin.

Free Game Super Ace

  1. Landing 3 or more “scatier” will trigger the Free Game with 10 free spins.
  2. “The Combo Multiplier” has 4 levels, x2, x4, x6, and x10, in Free Game.
  3. The rule of the Free Game is the same as that of the normal game. The only difference is the “Combo Multiplier” level.
  4. Landing 3 “scatier” in the Free Game will trigger an additional 5 free spins available to stack.

The Game Button

Buttons and their Purpose


Spin: Tap to start spinning based on the current bet.


Auto Spin: Tap to start the autoplay, and click again to stop the auto spin.


Turbo Spin: Tap to enable or disable the Turbo Spin to adjust the speed of reel spins in the game.


Option: Tap to show the game instructions and sound button.


Bet Select: Tap to adjust the bet.


Game rules: Tap to show the game rules and function button.

How to use the Auto Spin and Turbo Spin

Auto Spin

General Steps for Auto Spin:

  1. Locate the Autoplay Button: Look for a button labeled “Autoplay,” “Auto Spin,” or something similar on the Fortune Gems game interface. It’s often located near the regular spin button.
  2. Set Spin Parameters: A menu might appear once you click the autoplay button, allowing you to set various parameters for the auto spin feature. These parameters could include:
    • Number of Spins: Choose the desired number of automatic spins. You might be able to select a specific number (like 10, 20, 50) or opt for options like “autoplay until feature trigger” (if bonus features exist).
    • Win/Loss Limits: You can set limits for autoplay to stop. For example, autoplay could stop if your balance reaches a specific win amount or dips below a certain loss limit. This helps you manage your bankroll.
    • Spin Speed: Some autoplay functions offer options for adjusting the speed of the spins. You can choose between “normal” and “fast” spins.

Turbo Spin

Here’s how to activate Turbo Spin:

  1. Bet Amount: Set your desired bet amount using the game controls.
  2. Turbo Spin Activation: Look for the Turbo Spin button once your bet is set. Click or tap on it to enable Turbo Spin mode.
  3. Faster Spins: With Turbo Spin active, the reels will spin acceleratedly. This feature is perfect for players who prefer rapid gameplay.


JILI777 Super Ace Game offers an immersive and thrilling experience for players of all ages. It’s a must-play for gamers with captivating gameplay, stunning graphics, and a series of exciting challenges. Dive into an unforgettable adventure full of action and excitement. Whether navigating treacherous landscapes, battling opponents, or solving puzzles, every moment promises exhilaration and satisfaction. Explore this gaming masterpiece and carve your path to victory.